Our old nemesis the Yetzer Horah has draped himself with a new cloak.... Schools only accept one sort of child,
Our old nemesis the Yetzer Horah has draped himself with a new cloak.... Schools only accept one sort of child,
This is the golus we find ourselves in, where the mere mention of a Creator, is frowned upon, and has no real place in the wider circles of society.
Righteousness is like a tree, with roots that go deep
Print-friendly version SPACE FOR REALITY Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita I have been writing this column for close to twenty-nine years. I cherish this opportunity to share my thoughts with…
Has this made things all that easier, certainly, but with this comes drawbacks as well.
The foundations of civility are being plowed under
Print-friendly version RHYTHM OF THE HEART KAPITAL 34 Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita The State of Minnesota saw a fascinating court case. A group of people wanted to find out…
“We each have moments when Hashem caresses us with His warmth and allows us to experience what is beyond our Golus weariness”
We can’t sit idly by; we are all hurting in the Golus
The lights seemed to become more dimmed and faces from afar were becoming decidedly blurry.