Life can seem twisted and convoluted, problems chocking one’s heart with the ache of our individual golus.
Life can seem twisted and convoluted, problems chocking one’s heart with the ache of our individual golus.
the rhythm of her drums beat on down the generations
I am still bewildered, but such was the Eibishters plan.
From where did this gentle unassuming soul gather her solid love for Hashem?
Hashem affords us windows of opportunity
Everything we live with, every challenge along the way, is given to us for our individual good.
We must create a land of Goshen within our homes
The Rebbe lived through much which others would see as sheer pain and difficulty, yet the tunes continued and his mind was always filled with the holiness of rejoicing in Hashem’s gifts.
oday we face different foes, but no less harsh. They capture us with their wonders, glamour and flightiness, but capture us they do.
Hashem was telling Yaakov a beautiful message. “Dear child, I have no choice but to be with you.”