Faith In Ourselves | Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita


Faith In Ourselves

By Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita

We are a great people, a nation that has thrived despite unspeakable adversity. Whilst having held onto our holy connection with Hashem we have been enslaved by the harshest of enemies. This slavery has taken many guises, the whip of Pharoh, the comforts of western liberalism, the gas chambers of Hitler, forced labour of the Gulag, these are just some examples. Each epoch bought its own brand of pain all with a one goal, to destroy us spiritually.

Yet, here we are, our Mosdos growing, the communities flourishing, and our numbers swelling. Yes, we are a great people.

From whence does this greatness flow? From Hashem and His gift to a nation of ex slaves that had gathered together in a desert and accepted their unique roll. Every Yied has this rich heritage tucked up in their hearts, it is there in each of us, this rich reservoir of Kedusha.

In Parshas Beshalach we learn:

“… and they had faith in Hashem and in Moshe, His servant.” (14:31)

The Rebbe Reb Tzudik of Lublin Zt”l writes on this passage something extremely moving and unique. “Just as it is mandated that every Yied believe full heartedly in Hashem, so it is mandated that we each believe in our own selves!”

This directs us all as individuals to have a sense of self-worth and a realization that we are each precious to Hashem. The Eibishter awaits our service and has pleasure from it. The Rebbe explains that our holy seforim tell us how Moshe Rabbeinu’s Neshoma had the essence of all the souls of Klall Yisroel, therefor in this passage, the Name “Moshe” references the whole of Bnei Yisroel. At that time, when the Yidden had so much faith in the Eibishter and Moshe, it meant they had faith not only in Hashem but in the entirety of Bnei Yisroel. The Rebbe’s astounding words gives us the key to our resilience.

We often feel we aren’t really anything special, that as mere pedestrians in our Avoda, our service is of no real value. There is an old saying, “It’s not what you are that is holding you back. It’s what you think you are not.”

Golus makes us lose our dreams of kedusha, we forget that Hashem created us as a Nation of Holiness, and that nothing can take that from us other than our own selves. In the turmoil of the technological maelstrom we find ourselves in, where so much importance is vested in images that have no real substance, it is little wonder that we lose heart. Especially our young, a generation born into a world of instant information with little self regard.

We should be expecting more from ourselves, shuffling along life’s highway isn’t enough, we are better than that. Our forefathers suffered in their particular Mitzrayim, and handed us the wear with all to grow in ours. It is time we gave our youngsters a pride and a vibrancy in their Yiddishkiet, a knowledge of what it is to have faith in themselves as Jews. If we don’t, than we will suffer the consequences.

In our Shtieble, Friday night during Lo Seivoshi we always sing a lively nigun. I can’t help myself and often dance with some of the little children who are in attendance. Their smiles, their vibrancy, opens up my heart. This is the faith in ourselves Hashem has given us. Despite the cold weary world outside, Yiddisha Kinderlach dance and welcome in the Shabbos. We are a miraculous people, Hashem does love us, just look at those kids smiles.