pleasant to the young, and receive every person cheerfully.
pleasant to the young, and receive every person cheerfully.
Print-friendly version STOP BLAMING, START SHARING Footsteps Of Our Fathers Pirkei Avos Perek 2 Mishna 14 Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita Things are getting out of hand lately. The number…
Print friendly version PESACH VERSUS MOUNTAINS Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita Ah the Pesach Seder, home of so much kedusha for Yieden. The challenge is for us to grasp that…
Every year we must rise above the noise of the everyday
you could actually feel Hashem’s love touching your heart.
Print-friendly version TEFILLAH… JUST WORDS OR THOUGHT EVOKING CONNECTION! Chovos Hatalmidim 8 – A new commentary by Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita “So, which tefilah do you feel closest to?”…
We are living in very dry and cold times. Things are done because others do them; our hearts aren't always engaged.
The Rebbe wants the young to become aware of time and how not to waste it.
“The inability to focus is borne out of a coldness that creates a sense of disinterest in our holy heritage”
The Rebbe speaks about spiritual growth despite the shadows that surround his olam.