RHYTHM OF THE HEART | Tehillim Kapitel 92
I must admit that when I first saw these words, my heart gave a leap.
I must admit that when I first saw these words, my heart gave a leap.
Dearest Yieden, listen to what we are learning here, we are a great people, tasked with responsibility to raise ourselves,
within that bond that needs no words
just like the wings of the eagle, we each can come back refreshed to Har Sinai feeling renewed and strengthened with our connection with Hashem
Pre Shevuos Shiur From Harav Y Reuven Rubin Shlita
ALONE BUT NEVER UNATTENDED BY HARAV Y. REUVEN RUBIN Shevuos alone, who would have thought? Na’aseh V’nishmah, we will do and we will listen, all Bnei Yisroel together, with one…
THE BIRDS THAT TASTE REDEMPTION Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita It is early morning, I gaze out my study window and bid good morning to my close friend. Standing straight…
A great collection of articles by the Rov shlita for Shevuos. Download and print it now for your Shevuos read.
KNOWING OUR HOLINESS By Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita “Alla Yieden Zenen Hielig”, All Jews are Holy, these words were seared into my heart at a young age by Tzadikim…