RHYTHM OF THE HEART | Tehillim Kapitel 92
I must admit that when I first saw these words, my heart gave a leap.
I must admit that when I first saw these words, my heart gave a leap.
Dearest Yieden, listen to what we are learning here, we are a great people, tasked with responsibility to raise ourselves,
It’s Pesach, and the whiff of true belief is awoken.
I speak to mechanchim and principles of our Mosdos, they tell me that they have to be more social workers than teachers.
I am a great believer of creating positive memories that will remain for the future.
The media circus has ranged itself against us, no matter where we live, and no amount of explanation seems to help.
Our world is one wherein it is difficult to focus on the spiritual. Society has drifted away from all such notions leaving just gimmicks and noise in its place.
within that bond that needs no words
Print friendly version PESACH VERSUS MOUNTAINS Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita Ah the Pesach Seder, home of so much kedusha for Yieden. The challenge is for us to grasp that…
Every year we must rise above the noise of the everyday