We are living in very dry and cold times. Things are done because others do them; our hearts aren't always engaged.
We are living in very dry and cold times. Things are done because others do them; our hearts aren't always engaged.
Print-friendly version A VIAL OF OLIVE OIL IN A CORRUPT WORLD Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita Mrs. Goldberg is stopped by a police car for exceeding the speed limit. “Excuse…
From this quaint tale we learn a powerful lesson
The Hieliga Tage are a time to face our individual imprisonment,
just like the wings of the eagle, we each can come back refreshed to Har Sinai feeling renewed and strengthened with our connection with Hashem
The Nazis wanted to break their spirit, but a spirit that does not allow for fermentation can’t be destroyed.
Chanukah is about this very same dynamic; life can seem dismal, far from any spiritual reality. Yet we light some wicks and feel illuminated by Hashem’s tender care.
Print-friendly version FINDING ENERGY FROM OUR YESTERDAYS HARAV Y. REUVEN RUBIN SHLITA These have been tense days, Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur carry a call for reflection and truthfulness to…
Print-Friendly Version FINDING REAL HAPPINESS HARAV Y. REUVEN RUBIN SHLITA “You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.” I stumbled over this quote recently…
However, then there are those magic moments that stay within you forever. They are there to remind you who you can be and what you should aspire to.