We swim about in a world that has changed, its features changed. This is the golus Hashem has placed us in, so it is our task to find our individual makom amidst the new waters of challenge.
We swim about in a world that has changed, its features changed. This is the golus Hashem has placed us in, so it is our task to find our individual makom amidst the new waters of challenge.
We have all been stricken by the events that took place in Meron on Lag Be’omer, many have lost sleep, others feel anxious and broken.
I share these thoughts a few days after the tragedy of Meron, and I still can’t get it all together.
Print-friendly version here SALFORD RAISED HARAV Y. REUVEN RUBIN SHLITA Let me first set the stage for the reader. I am a New Yorker born and raised. Just talk to…
Print-friendly version Avos Perek 4 Mishna 15 All For Some Snuff Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita The Shabbos was historical. The Bobover Rebbe HaRav Shlomo Ztl was visiting Eretz Yisroel…
Print friendly version PIRKEI AVOS PERK 3 MISHNA 18 THE GIFT OF LEADERSHIP HARAV Y. REUVEN RUBIN SHLITA The large Synagogue was unique. Newly built with the highest degree of…
Printer-friendly version Footsteps of our Fathers – Perek 2 Mishna 13 PUTTING A SMILE ON THE JAB Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita Finally, the envelope slipped through my door.…
Print-friendly version FOOTSTEPS OF OUR FATHERS PEREK 1 MISHNA 13 HARAV Y. REUVEN RUBIN SHLITA “Sholom”, a favoured greeting when answering the phone amongst many hiemisha Yidden. It has a…
However, then there are those magic moments that stay within you forever. They are there to remind you who you can be and what you should aspire to.
Print-friendly version. STUFFED IN THE DRAWER HARAV Y. REUVEN RUBIN SHLITA Come on now. Admit it. You have one too. We all have one. Everyone has a place where they…