Printer-friendly version TO SPEAK TO ONE’S SOUL HARAV Y. REUVEN RUBIN SHLITA Before Covid with all its societal rules and regulations, this time of the year had its own unique…
Printer-friendly version TO SPEAK TO ONE’S SOUL HARAV Y. REUVEN RUBIN SHLITA Before Covid with all its societal rules and regulations, this time of the year had its own unique…
Printer-friendly version STILLNESS IN THE STORM Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita Has anyone else noticed that things are getting ever more complicated of late? Our young seem pulled and pushed…
Chanukah is about this very same dynamic; life can seem dismal, far from any spiritual reality. Yet we light some wicks and feel illuminated by Hashem’s tender care.
Print-friendly version THE MOON SPEAKS OF JOY Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita “Is there a moon?” This question, asked in Yiddish, would circulate around the shalosh seudos tisch every month.…
Print-friendly version BRIDGE-BUILDING THE MITZVAH OF OUR TIMES Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita I well remember Moishe’la: he was from South America and learnt in the Yeshivah when I was a…
We are living in times of clouds of disquiet, wherein society is being foisted into fear and worry.
and as the secular world around us challenges even this the foundation of family life, we can point to those we have been blessed to be touched by and speak of their warmth and understanding
Print-friendly version IT’S ABOUT THE SMALL STUFF Harav Y. Reuven Rubin Shlita We live in “difficult times”. I know, you have heard this from so many and it has most…
The Rov was incredulous, “Vous? Arous shiken a Yingel? Chas Vesholom!” “What? Sending a youngster away?”
the question we each must ask ourselves is, “has all this been about going back to Normalcy?”